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Pricing Table – Save Money & Time

Pricing Table

Pay less for your utilities & take back your peace of mind. Confidently manage your finances.


$ 81 per month

Up to 50 properties

  • Track up to 50 properties
  • All the benefits of the basic plan


$ 120 per month

Up to 80 properties

  • Track up to 80 properties
  • All the benefits of the basic plan

Have more than 80 properties?, get a customized quote. Click here to schedule a call.

Track your home for free. Get started here.

Common questions

Do you offer yearly plans?

Currently, we offer month to month plans only. We are work on an option to provide yearly plans.

Do you restrict features with a free trial?

The discussion for free trial is based on the use case and the volume of properties.

What payment methods do you accept?

We curently support Visa, MasterCard.

Do you have a setup cost?

Absolutely not. All plans are month to month with no contracts, no setup fees, and no hidden gimmicks. Cancel anytime.

Read our whitepaper on the benefits of outsourcing your utility bill management operations